
How to: Bangles from plastic bottles

Hello (I rarely remember to say that!),
today I wanna post a tutorial which I consider as being fairly known even beyond not-so-crafty people: How to make bangles from plastic bottles. There's no better way to recycle. This comes right from the heart of sustainability! And I love it!

Here we go:

Start with (clean!) bottles. Cut out the parts which seem to be usable  

Use ruler+permanent marker to create an equal breadth
Now you need to adjust it to your wrist (and I hope your wrist isn't as big as the bottle, cause then you shouldn't craft but go and work out...). For this, make a cut...
tape the perfect size together. Tightly. Now you have the base. (guess what)
Choose a fabric and grab the beloved hot glue gun.

hotglue the fabric onto the plastic, trying to avoid a scruffy look by folding the fabric.
If you didn't know it yet, have fun with this one.