
Inspirational quotes on your wall

A phenomenon which thrills me since some time is quote wall art. Means = favourite quotations on your wall, every letter cut out of a magazine.
Also a good idea to try out tattoo ideas for a certain time. If you're not sure wether you'll get tired of the words ;)

I got the inspiration for this from a tumblr-blog called "The Love Yourself Challenge", which I think is a great site everyone should've visited once in their life! http://theloveyourselfchallenge.tumblr.com/

I reeeally liked the line so I did it myself.

That's so easy-peasy. I'm planning on bigger stuff, bigger letters. But I suppose I have to print a pattern for it. So it will take more time.


  1. gefällt mir! :) und ich hab auch was an meiner wand, ein zitat in megariesig :D der tipp wegen den tattoos ist voll die gute idee, das werde ich vielleicht auch nochmal in die tat umsetzen ;)
    alles liebe & ein schönes wochenende


  2. finde ich schön, wenn es schlicht ist :) demnach gefällt mir von den geposteten das dritte am besten :)
